Wednesday, February 16, 2011

chapters 25-30

Name ____________________ Date ______________ due February 28, 2011
Reading: The Westing Game/ Chapters 25-30 The End!!

Vocabulary (only 13 words for 6 short chapters)

This time I've put synonyms in parenthesis by a few of the words.

abacus (ancient calculator) interceding pretense accomplice (assistant in a crime) stupified obituary bolts (verb meaning "runs away quickly") stenographer dastardly (adj. meaning "evil") stoolie (informer) extravaganza (big gathering or event) embalm benefactor interceding pretense(s)

The word "pretense" is so nice I've used it twice. Beware!

1. "Watch what you say around him about our plans, because he is supposedly a _______________ for the police," warned the ringleader of the gang.

2. Every time I bring out my vacuum cleaner, my cat __________ in terror and runs for cover. I assume this is because he cannot stand the noise it makes.

3. The villain's character can only be described as ___________________.

4. We will need to hire a _____________________ to take notes during our meeting. Thus, we will have a full account of what everyone said.

5. Do you think that he was a(n) __________________ to the criminals that were arrested last night? He lent them his car, and that might make him a suspect.

6. "Thank you very much for ___________________ in the argument between us,"
Hugo said. "Your interference prevented me from saying something rude to him."

7. The ancient Egyptians discovered a way to ____________ the bodies of their royalty. They also wrapped these mummified bodies in fabric and stored them in a series of specially made coffins.

8. Early in the novel, Turtle learns of Sam Westing's death from the ______________ printed in the newspaper. This account informs her about some of the main events in the life of Samuel Westing. Much later in the novel, however, she figures out that this report of his death was false. In fact, it was one of many _________ used by Sam Westing to confuse the heirs as they played the game.

10. The special effects in the movie, Inception, were so well executed that the audience was ____________________.

11. We all quickly figured out that Sybele Pulaski's crutches were simply a ___________ to get a little more attention. The idea that she actually painted them to coordinate with her outfits was a cute and clever detail. She failed to get much attention from the other tenants, however, so her plan did not really succeed.

12. When Mr. Hoo wanted to start a business to sell his innersoles, he needed either investors or _____________ to advance him the necessary money.

13. Eventually Mrs. Balkoski will attend the Black & White Ball, an annual _____________________ thrown by the San Francisco Symphony.

14. The _________________ is a device used by ancient civilizations to assist them in mathematical calculations. It is still used in classrooms in Asia today. Mrs. Balkoski naturally thinks that it might be fun to learn how to use one.

Written Expression: Answer these questions in the spaces provided.

• Restate the question in your answer.
• Use correct capitalization and punctuation.
• Use complete sentences.

1. How does Theo know that it was Sandy who was playing chess with him? Why is this surprising?

2. One of the clues given to the players in the very beginning is: "It is not what you have, it's what you don't have that counts". Explain how this clue leads everyone to the answer: Berthe Erica Crow.

3. What does Turtle finally realize about the meaning of the statement that the "heir who wins the windfall will be the one who finds the fourth"? (Was the will properly transcribed or was there a word missing?)

4. Did Sandy McSouthers really die? Did Crow really poison him? What is that scene all about?

5. Toward the very end of the novel, what fibs does Turtle tell Julian Eastman about Crow, Otis, and Mr. Hoo? Why does she tell these lies?

6. What happens to Angela in the end?

7. What happens to Turtle's parents in the end?

8. Would you recommend this novel to fifth graders? Why or why not?

9. After our February vacation, we will be seeing a 90 minute movie on novel. Try to predict the details that the movie will have to omit?

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